I recently received my September/October 2016 issue of Chickens, and I’m excited to have another article published in it! This issue is aimed at covering what chicken-keepers should know and do to prepare for fall and the coming winter, so it’s got lots of great information in it.
My article in the magazine is a feature article on why you should consider culling chickens from your flock in fall, how to choose which ones to cull, and then how they can best be used. It’s called The Cull of Fall (I love how creative they are with the titles they choose at Chickens magazine):
Here’s a larger image of the cover, it gives you an idea of the other feature articles in this issue:
I really think you’ll enjoy a copy of this issue, not only will you learn about culling chickens in fall (and quite a bit on molting), there are also articles explaining how the Livestock Conservancy helps to prevent heritage breeds from going extinct, why foraging is good for the flock and how to promote it through the seasons, how to modify your hens diet for better eggs, how the shells from those eggs can be upcycled, how to build a dust bath for your flock, and much more.
It inspired me to cull 14 chickens from our flock this last weekend, find ways to improve our hen’s diet, and even to hatch some heritage chicks (even though it’s late in the season). If you get a copy, let me know what you think!
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